Say, we named ourself 'Genshiken Story' not for a void reason.
Aside from our primary task to deliver the best out from Genshiken ITB's story department, it's somewhat our 'responsibility' as well to pass on the stories behind this very unit to the masses. And yes - we've been aware of it from the very beginning. The time for this will come soon enough, indeed.
We ourselves doesn't really have many words on our mind right now - let the video above speak by itself. We'd leave you instead with the video's semi-official description (read : propaganda) that we've been using around on our mission to spread the video throughout our internal forum and the social medias :
'Inilah video yang menggambarkan perjalanan UKM Genshiken ITB, yang tersusun atas dokumentasi-dokumentasi pilihan yang tersedia sejak masa primordial Genshiken ITB hingga dokumentasi terkini yang diracik khusus dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-9 Genshiken. Tanpa perlu banyak berkata-kata, rekoleksi foto dan video yang terangkum dalam suatu kolase konektif ini akan banyak bercerita mengenai pengembaraan sembilan tahun Genshiken ITB yang diwarnai beragam hal-hal atraktif.
Tak mudah memang merangkum kenangan yang terjalin selama sembilan tahun dalam sembilan menit nan singkat, ya. Saya memang tidak terlibat langsung dalam awal berdirinya kelompok studi ini, namun selama dan setelah melakukan proses penyuntingan secara tak langsung saya merasa terkoneksi - merasakan semangat dan aura positif para pendiri unit ini, para pendahulu, para pengurus yang kini bertugas, dan para penerus.
May this video confers you all with positive vibes.'
Happy watching. An exclusive, unreleased-before poetry has been planned for our release in the near-distant future, though.
- Nivalyx
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