Yap, yap! Kami hadir kembali dengan membawa konten baru - sebuah cerita yang terinspirasi oleh makanan yang disukai sejuta umat. Coklat!
...tertarik untuk langsung membaca? Tunggu dulu, karena pertama-tama kami akan menyampaikan beberapa berita terkait Genshiken Story. Yah, mungkin foto di bawah ini sudah cukup menggambarkan apa yang ingin kami sampaikan:
Menjelang akhir masa kepengurusannya, Rakaputra P. // Rheine (selaku ketua Genshiken Story periode 2013-2014) mengajak segenap kru Genshiken Story untuk makan-makan bersama seraya mengakrabkan diri antar anggota di restoran Warung Pasta. Sebuah kejutan yang tak terduga memang, mengingat publikasi baru gencar dilaksanakan beberapa jam sebelum acara berlangsung (tambah lagi seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan ditanggung oleh sang ketua sendiri!)
Acara ini sendiri lebih difokuskan untuk bersenang-senang dan melancarkan regenerasi anggota, mengingat pemegang tahta tertinggi Genshiken Story periode 2014-2015 telah terpilih (yakni Zakaria S. Laksmana // Nivalyx, apabila tidak ada halangan). Topik perbincangan utama kala itu adalah program kerja Genshiken Story dahulu, sekarang, dan akan datang (meskipun topik-topik ringan lainnya seringkali terceletuk oleh anggota-anggota yang hadir)
Oh, dan *kembali ke topik utama* ada yang memesan minuman coklat pada pertemuan ini! Coklat... Err, yah, tanpa panjang lebar lagi, berikut detail teknis terkait cerita pendek ini:
- Judul : Chocolates
- Event : Genshiken Writing Challenge XIII (Open Santa)
- Pengarang : Caesar Adiputra Sutrisna
Penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa coklat dapat menghilangkan stres - semoga cerita berikut ini dapat membawa efek yang sama. Selamat membaca!
A tall, well-looking man greeted me from over the counter. I come closer and take a glance at the store’s display glass.
“What can I help with? Perhaps you would be interested in our…”
Chocolates. Round chocolate. Square chocolate. Dark chocolate. White chocolate. Chocolate cakes. Chocolate bars. Gateau. Coins. Hot chocolate. Not the musical group. This chocolatier sure has a wide selection.
“Why chocolate?”
The man seems confused at the suddenness of the question.
But then his dark chocolatier eyes shone ablaze.
“Now that is an interesting question.”
“Why NOT chocolate?” he replies.
“Did you know that the word chocolate comes from the Aztec language?”
“Chocolate, you see, is a gift from the gods themselves. The Aztecs, they really dug the thing. They drank it, traded it with it, probably even smothered themselves with the stuff. The Europeans then got in on the party and went crazy with the stuff. Probably the reason they drove off the Aztecs in the first place, so they can get their greedy hands on it all to themselves.”
“But not for long, because chocolate is a gift for all mankind. Wars were fought over it, and wars ended because of it.”
“Franz Ferdinand tried keeping all the chocolate to himself. People didn’t like it. Then there’s the thing with Tesla, Elvis, and…” he goes on and on. “…chocolate makes you happy! Chocolate is love! Chocolate is life! It is THE raison d’etre, the salt of the earth, the vivre itself! It’s…”
“The way you’re describing it, I wonder why the whole world hasn’t revolved around it yet.”
“Oh, but it will, soon. That thing called BitCoin?”
“Obsolete. Digital chocolate BiteCoins are the new thing.”
“Well then, how much will these analog chocolate coins cost me?”
He leans behind the counter and grabs a shovelful of coins and drops it in a paper bag.
“10 dollars.”
I grab my wallet and drop the cash.
“Thank you, come again!”
I step out of the store, chocolate coins in hand. I’ve seen enough.
“Sheesh. If I had known it was going to be this popular, I should have patented the damn thing.”
“Now I know how Prometheus feels…”
That day, people around the shopping arcade said they witnessed a feathered serpent that rose up to the sky and then disappeared.
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