Thursday, February 27, 2014

Poetry : Ashes

Halo! ...yap, post ini akan mengangkat bagian kedua dari trilogi puisi retrospektif Lisa (:

Sebelumnya, kami akan menyela terlebih dahulu dengan satu berita penting : Ingatkah Anda dengan Freak-Quency, visual novel karya Dewi Nur Fitri // Xerofit51 yang notabene merupakan salah satu anggota kami? Visual novel bertemakan realita virtual itu telah di-review oleh, situs portal berita budaya visual modern! Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada tentunya atas kepeduliannya mengenai karya-karya visual modern kreasi dalam negeri, dan tentunya kami sangat berharap tren positif ini terus berlanjut.

...kembali ke topik utama, berikut adalah detail teknis mengenai puisi yang kami angkat kali ini:

  • Judul : Ashes
  • Event : Genshiken Meet-Up #5
  • Pengarang : Lisa Santika Onggrid // requiem 

Akhir kata, selamat membaca!



Death is overrated, you once heard them said, as the blood wouldn't wash away
I saw doubt in your eyes at the crosses we made today
Song you sung for their last lullaby gone with the wind
Against the odds, we kept struggling, pretending to be blind
Perhaps it also a punishment because we lived
Prayer is for the weak, you always told me, yet for once you believed
End this quick, I couldn't help but followed
As we mourned the battle commenced
Ringing of a bell, my time growing near
Another one fell, no scream to hear
Now, at last, I knew the reason I called for arms
Cry no more, the blood was never mine
Empty sky stained of gray, I saw the ashes of the day


  1. I enjoy your comments, thanks. Sounds like my writings are better than they are.

    Freak-Quency is one awesome feat, I admit, especially considering she did everything on her own in the onslaught of assignments.

    I suppose it's kinda late by now, but do you know that this piece is an acrostic?

    1. Sorry for our late reply (took a while for us to figure out who you are, but it took longer for us to figure out that there are new comments forthcoming!)

      We highly appreciate your thoughts here, but frankly speaking, we're pleased much more with our English posts rather than our Indonesian ones. Unrelated to that, we salute the clever usage of acrostic steganography there! We're sure that there are more stories from our members containing messages hidden in various ways (we know one unreleased story that contains a hidden message at least, although we're not sure whether we should post it here or not)

      Thanks for your feedback and support though (if it can be considered so) - we'll try our best to continue delivering interesting stories and story-related events over time!

      - Nivalyx
