Friday, April 11, 2014

News : Pen-Gen

As our celebrated GenCarnival is fast approaching, another story-related news is also coming this way!

Pen-Gen (also abbreviated as PengMas) stands for Pengabdian Masyarakat Genshiken, which more or less translates into Genshiken Community Service. Stands as a part of GenCarnival's opening ceremony, this event will let elementary school students to experience the vibrant atmosphere of the creative industry world, allowing them to emerge into a dimension less likely taught in school previously.

Here's the concept of the event, as translated directly from the proposal by us (with some extra flairs every here and there) :

When one's being asked about what he or she wants to be, he/she will answer based on the information that he/she had had previously. This applies no exception to children - it's no surprise if the outcome to this question is a common profession, such as teacher or doctor.

It's a seldom case the uncommon answer (such as being a novelist or a game designer) popped out. One aspect most likely being responsible for this is the lack of information about creative industry-related works on elementary schools' curriculum.

As a group who plays a role in the world of creative industry, Genshiken ITB aims to enlighten and empower these elementary school students with invigorating creative industry-related information. Five booths will be prepared for this event, which encompasses:

  • Movie (in collaboration with LFM ITB)
  • Digital game (in collaboration with HMIF ITB)
  • Traditional game
  • Illustration
  • Story

...well, the proposal continues, but the bolded item on the list should reflect what we're trying to deliver here mostly : Genshiken Story will be participating in Pen-Gen to educate these children alongside four other booths (in which will be filled out by delegations from other Genshiken division). Right now, our only confirmed delegation is Rakaputra P. // Rheine - the other one is still left undecided.

Oh, and if you're wondering where I would be, actually I've been stationed (by the request of the head of Pen-Gen) on the movie booth. Either way, we're hoping that what we're delivering here is something which will come in handy for these future generation members.

See you there!

- Nivalyx

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